Our comprehensive plan to meet the most urgent needs. Click to view each goal.

GOAL: $200,000
Build student dormitories
Fully-equipped 2,000-capacity residence halls and dormitories for male and female students. The interior design features exquisite architecture, natural light, functional and energy-efficient designs:
- Fellowship & Collaboration Zones
- Recreation and Athletic Spaces
- Onsite Laundry
- Outdoor Seating Areas
GOAL: $200,000
Construct the Medical Center
This 100-bed medical facility will have a section dedicated to women and children's health issues, a laboratory with onsite testing and preventative services.
GOAL: $28,000
Dig Wells for Communities in Need
Need: 4 Wells
Cost: $7,000 each
Help dig a well
GOAL: $42,000
Land for the School
With literacy rates so low in the village, it's vital to build a school. Impact Missions is now raising funds for a multi-use facility that can be used for education. Four acres have been purchased. Our goal is to purchase 16 more acres at $2,000 per acre.
GOAL: $722,000
Build Impact Academy
Impact Missions Academy is a 3-story building with:
- 40 Classrooms
- A Teachers' Workspace
- Science & Computer Labs
- Center for Sustainable Entrepreneurship
- 4 Technical Training spaces:
- Carpentry
- Auto Mechanic & Welding
- Seamstressing and
- Hair-dressing
Help fight Human Trafficking
One of our ongoing goals at Impact Missions is to help survivors of human trafficking rebuild their lives. Your donation helps survivors find jobs, learn a trade and reintegrate into their communities.
$600 / year
Gift a Scholarship
Directly impact a Student at Impact Academy. Your generous gift provides one of our Students with tuition, room & board.